Making Money with Affiliate Programs

0 comments Friday, May 22, 2009
Making Money with Affiliate Programs – Just the Facts

Most of us dream about the kind of life where we make our own hours and have time for the important things in life, don’t we? How about earning an income that we can really be proud of based on our performance? Let’s face it, for most of us, work is something that takes away from our days, not add to them.

Perhaps that’s why so many people are turning towards affiliate marketing for extra income. Affiliate marketing was responsible for billions of dollars worth of revenue over the past year, and much of that centered on the all-important holiday shopping season. When you are ready make money with affiliate programs and become a successful affiliate marketer there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

It All Begins With a Decision

Beginning any new thing is hard.

That’s the honest truth. Affiliate marketing is no exception. When you begin your career as a successful affiliate marketer, there are going to be times when you are tired and feel like giving up. It’s hard to begin a career so centered on you. You’re going to have to get used to making your own decisions, being responsible for your own performance, and ultimately balancing your work with the life that you want to lead.

On the other times, there will be easier times, when you are making some money and are completely thrilled with the work you are doing. It’s important that you keep those successful moments in mind when you are getting discouraged or are having trouble meeting your deadlines. Like anything in this world, you make your own destiny, and your destiny as an affiliate marketing advertiser relies on your ability to stick with it, through the good and the bad. Believe that you will succeed through your hard work and effort, and you will make it so.

Learn How, From Someone Who Does It!

One of the first things you are going to want to do when you make the decision to become an affiliate marketer and make money with affiliate programs is to get the training you need from someone who has proven they’ve been there. Affiliate marketing is just like any other career that you might be considering.

Take the time to learn up front, and it will pay off in dimes when you are able to hit the ground running. Affiliate marketing pro James Martell offers a training program that can be easily taken at home in your spare time – exactly what you need to make that transition from being a member of the work force to carving out your own path to success!

Invest in Your Business

Now that you’ve made the decision to be a success and are sticking to your guns through thick and thin, it’s time to get serious about making money with affiliate programs. It’s time to re-invest in your company.

Investing time in your company is easy. You simply sit down and get to work. What many people don’t realize, however, is that you also need to invest capital in your affiliate business to make it a success.

Ever hear of the phrase “It takes money to make money”? Well, that phrase has never been truer with affiliate marketing. You’ve already invested some money and received a training course, hopefully from someone with a proven track record in the industry. You’re writing tons of short, snappy articles designed to promote products for your web sites and highlight your affiliate connections.

Now, how much time do you think you could save by investing in a good web writer? Professional writers are more and more looking at the world of affiliate marketing as a place to ply their trade and earn money. Finally, someone who knows how to write the articles you need better than you can (they are professionals, remember?) and are willing to write the dozens of content articles you may need for a single website.

Be warned, though, that you get what you pay for with writers. Top writers words come at a premium, but they will definitely worth it. Saving money in the short term by buying cheap articles may end up costing you a lot of money in the future when the sales start to drop.

You can be successful at affiliate marketing. There are some things you need to do to increase your chances though, important steps to ensure your chance at success. Making money with affiliate programs in a world where the internet is getting bigger every day, and nearly every company in the world can benefit from the increased sales affiliate marketing can bring. All it takes is patience, education, and of course, a little capital.
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Pay per click affiliate programs

Pay per click affiliate programs or PPC, are rocking the net. Any page you visit online today, you can see the pay per click affiliate ads.
It doesn't matter what page you land on, you will see pay per click affiliate ads.

Surprisingly, it is even possible for any NEWBIE getting started online to make money with pay per click affiliate programs. The biggest affiliate program online today is google adsense.

As you browse web sites online you will see little ads that says: ads by goooooogle. Whenever someone clicks on those ads, the owner of the page receives a percentage of the commissions google has allocated to that ad.

No-one knows the exact formula google uses for the ads, but your account simply grows daily, by adding google adsense ads on your pages.

You have many different pay per click affiliate networks online, but I will just focus on the Billion Dollar Giant, Google.
Where does google get the money from for the pay per click affiliate program?

Well, that is the easy part, advertisers who want to have their ads displayed on many different web sites online uses google as their distribution network.

The whole system is based on CPC (Cost Per Click), any advertiser who uses google adwords for advertising has agreed to pay a set fee for each display ad to be placed on other members sites. Once anyone visiting your site clicks on any ad on your site, you receive a percentage of the bid price. That was a brief explanation of cost per click.

The best way to earn income with Google Adsense is through content. The more content your sites provides together with the amount of visitors you receive monthly, can generate a huge check from google adsense program.

In order to win with pay per click affiliate programs, you need visitors and content, that's it... well... not exactly...

... you also need to know which keywords are paying the highest CPC (Cost Per Click). Those online earning big money build web sites around the highest CPC keywords.

Many online marketers charge $50 monthly to receive the highest paying keywords, but...

... it is only worthwhile if you have many pages and web sites online. Just don't pay for any list of keywords if you haven't been online for many years and have a high traffic site.

What you need to do, is build your theme for your page around those keywords, and voila... you will have a high paying adsense page. Just sprinkle the high paying keyword along with your other keywords, but make sure it is part of your theme.

Just keep adding content and very soon you will have at least 300 or more pages online, you will start to see how much more you earn if your site is content rich.

You can only join Google adsense program once you have built your site, because Google only lets you join their network based on a content rich site.

There are two top paying pay per click programs that I personally use, one is Google Adsense program and the other is Chitika, they are the biggest pay per click affiliate program.
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Join the Earn United Casino Affiliate Program


Why Join the Earn United Casino Affiliate Program?

Highest Conversion & Retention of your customers

The Earn United Casino Affiliate Program offers the highest converting casino products, but of equal importance, our casino products also offer a high level of customer retention. By referring traffic to our online casino products, our partners earn recurring commissions for the lifetime revenue generated by those players.

Highest Earning Opportunities from a Casino Affiliate Program

Earn like a true partner: Revenue Share of 50% in your first month, 40% in your second month & 30% in your third month.

Personal Attention, Advanced Statistics & Innovative Marketing

As a strong contender in the online casino industry, we strive to provide unparalleled personal attention to our partners from around the world. To this end, our casino affiliate program provides advanced statistical reporting available in real-time & fresh ideas to global marketing while tailoring our casino products for local markets.
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Join the LooKeys AFFILIATE PROGRAM and start earning $$$ today

Join the LooKeys AFFILIATE PROGRAM and start earning $$$ today!
Do you have a Web site? Join the LooKeys Affiliate Program to earn money and add value to your own Web site in the process. Every time you send us a customer who buys our products, you earn 40% per sale. On an average order, you´ll earn $10!

How does it work?
With the LooKeys Affiliate Program, you can make money by simply linking to LooKeys site from your Web site. It´s easy. Just apply, add LooKeys banner to your Web site, and start earning referral rewards today. No charge. No set-up hassle. Each time a visitor clicks from your site to LooKeys to purchase items using their credit card or Paypal over the Internet, you earn generous referral fees. We take care of their entire shopping experience: fulfillment, customer service, and shipping, and we track the sales generated from your site. All you have to do is decide how you want to link to LooKeys site.

Why should you become our affiliate?

Earn 40% commission on every sold software, for orders originating from your web site. On an average order, you´ll earn $10! Joining is free and easy.
Enhance your Web site by offering your visitors a variety of great products.
Offer your visitors helpful product details, expert editorials, and customer reviews.
Introduce your visitors to the best customer service on the Web.
Get online reports detailing your success. Check your earnings and traffic reports in real-time, anytime.

How do I join?
It´s easy!
1. Read LooKeys Affiliate Program Agreement
2. Fill out the easy online Application Form
3. We´ll send you an email detailing your approval status, user name and password.
4. Login to our Affiliates Centre and copy one or more of our banners
5. Put up the banner and link to our site, and you´re in business!
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Join web hosting affiliate program!

Join web hosting affiliate program!

Through our affiliate scheme you could earn $5 for every visitor that you send to our website that results in a registration.
Payments are sent by cheque, wire transfer or PayPal after you've reached the minimum payout of $100, or 20 registrations.

We'll provide everything you'll need to begin making money:

Over 40 banners
Our eye catching banners are sure to catch the attention of visitors and generate a high click through rate. All you need to do is pick one you like and put the code on your page.

Forum Finder tool
Our experience has shown as that forums have the best conversion rate traffic usually comes from forums. Forum traffic usually has over 15% conversion, and that means if you referred only 100 visitors to our site, that would convert into $75 for you!

Promotional Texts
To make it easy to get going, we've got ready-to-use promotional text for our service. All you need to do is copy the texts to your target and watch the sign-ups come rolling in!

Sign up now and you will see how easy our affiliate program is converting. Some affiliates have over 10% signup rate. Do not miss a chance to earn big money by promoting our free hosting service.
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